The role and use of calcium ammonium nitrate

The role of calcium ammonium nitrate is as follows:

Calcium ammonium nitrate contains a large amount of calcium carbonate, and it has good effect and effect when used as top dressing on acidic soil. When applied in paddy fields, its fertilizer effect is slightly lower than that of ammonium sulfate with equal nitrogen content, while in dry land, its fertilizer effect is similar to that of ammonium sulfate. The cost of nitrogen in calcium ammonium nitrate is higher than that in ordinary ammonium nitrate.

Calcium ammonium nitrate as a low concentration fertilizer is a physiologically neutral fertilizer, and long-term application has a good effect on soil properties. It can be used as top dressing on cereal crops. Nitrogen in calcium ammonium nitrate particles can be released relatively quickly, while lime dissolves very slowly. The results of field trials in acidic soils showed that calcium ammonium nitrate had good agronomic effects and could increase the overall level of yield.


How to use calcium ammonium nitrate

1. Calcium ammonium nitrate can be used as a base fertilizer when crops are planted, sprayed on the roots of crops, or used as top dressing, sown on the roots on demand, or sprayed on the leaves as foliar fertilizer after watering to play a role in increasing fertilizer .

2. For crops such as fruit trees, it can generally be used for flushing, spreading, drip irrigation and spraying, 10 kg-25 kg per mu, and 15 kg-30 kg per mu for paddy field crops. If it is used for drip irrigation and spraying, it should be diluted 800-1000 times with water before application.

3. It can be used as a top dressing for flowers; it can also be diluted and sprayed on the leaves of crops. After fertilization, it can prolong the flowering period, promote the normal growth of roots, stems and leaves, ensure bright colors of fruits, and increase the sugar content of fruits.

Post time: Jun-21-2023